This week MyJerri, Myboy, and I did what they call "socializing". I call it adventure.
First, we went to Home Depot. MyJerri thought I could go in with her, but there is a sign on the door saying no pets unless they are service animals, so I was a good girl and wandered with MyBoy while MyJerri went inside. As it turns out, Home Depot does let pets in as long as they are on a leash, so next time we go, I'm going inside with her.

So let me tell you some facts here. I don't know why MyJerri went into the building. There were all kinds of folks, smells, and things to sniff in the parking lot. I could have spent the day there telling folks hello and checking things out. I tried to meet every
one, but you know how that

goes when you are on a leash and someone else is on the other end, but here was my thinking: I'm here to make folks feel better...and maybe get petted...and you never know who needs to feel better...or pet a dog just because they are a nice person, so EVERYONE really needs a chance for some love. Didn't happen there, but when we went to Starbuck's, I got to show my stuff.

A nice lady snuggled my face in her hands and blew me kisses. She wanted to know if I was a Jack Russell Terrier. She had one of those once, and she loved him. From the sound of her voice, he might now be living with Fluff, but I didn't ask. Instead, I let her run her hand down my back, and I kissed her palm when she patted my head.
After that, MyJerri and I sat at a table and waited for MyBoy to come back. I was so good. I sat right in front of MyJerri.
After awhile, sitting got tiresome, so I decided to nap so I could be fresh for our next stop, which happened to be home, which is okay.
Home is the place you like to get away from sometimes but always feel good coming back to.
I hope you have a great day at your home.
Puppy love,